About.com is a very frequented site (Alexa Rank 86) that covers stories with many subjects.
About.com website structure
About.com has broken down its website into sections/categories and it has assigned a person (guide) responsible for each one. A guide is responsible to build and maintain a GuideSite (a topical section) of About.com which contains:
- Original content (articles, reviews, FAQs, tutorials) written by the guide
- A blog featuring the guide's unique voice and personality
- A directory of the best content in the topic, whether it be the guide's own work or links to other sites
- A discussion forum where the guide serves as community leader
About.com is in need of guides (full time commitment required)
Check out the available topics and if you are interested in any of them just apply. Anyone can apply to be a guide and the requirements and experience to be accepted vary with the topic.
Send you application
Qualified applicants with proven expertise in a topic are accepted into a 17 days no-pay preparation program that you actually simulate the building of you GuideSite. After the preparation is over and you graduate with success you get a bonus of $250 and then start building your live GuideSite from scratch.
The actual work
At a minimum, guides must publish a full-length article every 14 days and update their blog three times per week.
The compensation
Each Guide has a page view rate which is paid per 1000 page views but, guides in the first year of their contract are guaranteed to make at least $500 per month but depending on the pageviews their topics generate it could be much higher.
Hmm!! I am thinking about it very seriously.
What I dont understand is why would anyone be interested in a full time position if the pay is only $500. Maybe I'm missing something.
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